Haegue Yang’s Participation in Wide Open School project at Hayward Gallery, UK 국 제갤러리 전속 작가 양혜규 영국 헤이워드 갤러리 프로젝트 참여 | KUKJE GALLERY
Haegue Yang’s Participation in Wide Open School project at Hayward Gallery, UK 국 제갤러리 전속 작가 양혜규 영국 헤이워드 갤러리 프로젝트 참여

*프로젝트명: Wide Open School
*전시기간: 2012년 6월 11일 – 7월 11일
*전시기관: 헤이워드 갤러리 Hayward Gallery, UK
*웹사이트: http://www.wideopenschool.com/
*담당자: 전민경 (02-3210-9885)
*프로젝트 개요:
헤이워드 갤러리는 공공학습에 대한 새로운 시도인 프로젝트를 개최한다. 이 프로젝트에는 국제갤러리 전속작가인 양혜규 작가를 포함하여 전세계 40개국에서 100여명이 넘는 작가들이 참여한다.
은 작가들에 의해 운영되는 일종의 예술학교로서, 다양한 범주의 포럼과 워크샵, 콜라버레이션 프로젝트, 강의, 퍼포먼스 등을 소개할 예정이다. 학교가 선생님과 학생 사이의 지식교류에 중점을 둔다면, 에서는 다양한 가능성을 발전시키는 “배움의 미로”에 주목하고 있다. 즉 우리 스스로를 어떻게 교육하는지 일정한 규칙을 가지고 나아가 즐기면서 공부할 수 있는 기회를 제공하자는 것이다.
에는 누구나 지원 가능하며 특별히 지원서나 입학 시험을 치르지 않는다. 헤이워드 갤러리 내 수업공간을 가지게 될 에 참여하는 작가들은 다음과 같다.
The Hayward Gallery’s Wide Open School is an innovative experiment in public learning. Its program of classes is devised and delivered by over 100 artists from approximately 40 different countries, including Kukje Gallery’s Haegue Yang.
Wide Open School can be considered sort of an art school, where artists lead and facilitate workshops, collaborative projects, collective discussions, lectures and performances about any and all subjects in which they are passionately interested. Most schools are in the business of transferring knowledge from teachers to students. Wide Open School, on the other hand, is more like a “labyrinth of learning” in which various possibilities are explored and developed.
Wide Open School is open to everyone, and there are no applications required, no entrance exams to take. The classes will take place in classrooms built in the Hayward’s gallery spaces and the participating artists are as follows.
Participating Artists
Georges Adéagbo with Stephan Köhler, Mark Allen / Machine Project, Yto Barrada with Mounira Bouzid El Alami, Yael Bartana,Christine Binnie, Jennifer Binnie and Wilma Johnson, Tania Bruguera, Bonnie Camplin with Kieron Livingstone, Cao Fei with Pak Sheung Chuen, Anthony Caro, Adam Chodzko, Martin Creed, Dorothy Cross with Philip Hoare, Cullinan Richards, Jochen Dehn with Francesco Pedraglio, Jeremy Deller with Ed Hall, Marlene Dumas, Yara El-Sherbini, Tracey Emin with Jeanette Winterson, Harrell Fletcher, Stephen Fowler and the Wildman, Meschac Gaba, Dora García, Gelitin, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster with Ari Benjamin Meyers, Antony Gormley with Michael Newman, Fritz Haeg and friends, Romuald Hazoumè, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Jeppe Hein with Robert Müller-Grünow, Susan Hiller, Roger Hiorns, Thomas Hirschhorn, Tehching Hsieh, Isaac Julien with David Harvey, Bouchra Khalili with Marie-Pierre Duhamel-Muller, Elena Kovylina, Jompet Kuswidananto, Suzanne Lacy, Michael Landy, Pedro Lasch with Stefano Harney, Xavier Le Roy, Mark Leckey, Lee Bul, Lee Mingwei, Lu Jie, Bjarne Melgaard, Nathaniel Mellors, Darius Mikšys, Aleksandra Mir with Irena Sedlecká, Ernesto Neto, Olaf Nicolai, Makoto Nomura, Yoshua Okón, João Onofre, Lucy + Jorge Orta, Dan and Lia Perjovschi, Susan Philipsz, Amalia Pica, Cesare Pietroiusti, Marjetica Potrč with Richard Sennett, The Public School, Tobias Putrih, Raqs Media Collective, Pedro Reyes, Tim Rollins + K.O.S., Tomás Saraceno, Kateřina Šedá, Wael Shawky, Shimabuku with Daisuke Hayashi, Yinka Shonibare MBE with Richard Phillips, Alexandre Singh, Song Dong, Bob and Roberta Smith with Anna Minton, Kidlat Tahimik, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Wolfgang Tillmans with Peter Török, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Jalal Toufic, Jessica Voorsanger, Mark Wallinger, Gillian Wearing with Sam Rumbelow, Margaret Wertheim, Bedwyr Williams, Jane and Louise Wilson with Caroline Wilkinson and Brian Dillon, Haegue Yang, Carey Young, David Zink Yi and friends.