런던 블레인 사던 갤러리에서 빌비올라 개인전 개최 Bill Viola presents Frustrated Actions and Futile Gestures at Blain | Southern, London

전시작가: 빌 비올라 Bill Viola
전시기관: Blain|Southern
전시명: Frustrated Actions and Futile Gestures
전시기간: 2013.06.05 – 2013.07.27
웹사이트: http://www.billviola.com/

Blain|Southern will present Frustrated Actions and Futile Gestures, a museum-scale exhibition of nine new works by the internationally renowned video artist Bill Viola. Created between 2012 and 2013, both on location and in the artist’s studio in Southern California, the exhibition presents three distinct bodies of works; the Frustrated Actions, the Mirage and the Water Portraits series. Source: Blain|Southern Image: Bill Viola The Dreamers, 2012, (detail), Video/Sound Installation, seven channels of colour High-Definition video on seven 65" plasma displays mounted vertically on wall in darkened room; four channels stereo sound, room dimensions: 6.5 x 6.5 x 3.5m, Photo: Kira Perov