빌 비올라 Bill Viola

전시작가: 빌 비올라 Bill Viola
전시기관: 프랑스 파리 그랑 팔레 Grand Palais, Paris, France
전 시 명: 빌 비올라 Bill Viola
전시기간: 2014년 03월 5일 – 2014년 07월 21일
웹사이트: http://www.grandpalais.fr/en/event/bill-viola

Bill Viola is without doubt the most celebrated exponent of video art. For the first time, the Grand Palais will present a wide-ranging group of his works, including moving paintings and monumental installations from 1975 to today. Focusing on both intimate and universal experiences, the artist expresses his emotional and spiritual journey through great metaphysical themes – life, death and transfiguration.

The exhibition is organized by the Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais in collaboration with Bill Viola Studio.