What To Buy? See These Top 10 Booths at Art Basel in Miami Beach

기사제목: What To Buy? See These Top 10 Booths at Art Basel in Miami Beach
기사날짜: 2014.12.04
매체이름: Artnet News
웹사이트: http://news.artnet.com/art-world/what-to-buy-see-these-top-10-booths-at-art-basel-in-miami-beach-186721

아트넷 뉴스는 이번 마이애미 아트 바젤에서 볼만한 부스 10곳’을 소개한다. 국제 갤러리와 티나킴 갤러리가 소개하는 작품 중 장 미쉘 바스키아의 1985년 작 <자화상>이 유독 관객들의 시선을 사로잡는다.

Day one of Art Basel in Miami Beach is the art world's version of Black Friday, in which really, really rich people compete for things that they are not even sure they want and certainly don't need. If you are not trampled at the door and can make it through the throng of people crowding the aisles, these are our recommendations for the top 10 booths at this year's Art Basel in Miami Beach.

Tina Kim Gallery, with a Jean-Michel Basquiat
This booth is filled with so many lovely works but is worth visiting if only for a single picture: an extraordinary 1985 Jean-Michel Basquiat self-portrait. This is a special painting and no surprise is priced accordingly at $7 million. It would make a strong addition to any public or private collection.