아니쉬 카푸어, 빌 비올라 링링미술관 그룹전 참여 | KUKJE GALLERY
아니쉬 카푸어, 빌 비올라 링링미술관 그룹전 참여
Bill Viola, Isolde's Ascension (The Shape of Light in the Space After Death)
Still from color high-definition on plasma display mounted on wall. Performer: Sarah Steben. 2005.
Courtesy of Bill Viola Studio. © Photo: Kira Perov
전시작가: Anish Kapoor, Bill viola
전시제목: Phantom Bodies: The Human Aura in Art
전시기간: 2016.06.17 – 2016.09.11
전시기관: The Ringling
웹사이트: https://www.ringling.org/events/phantom-bodies-human-aura-art
국제갤러리의 아니쉬 카푸어와 빌 비올라는 6월 17일부터 9월 11일까지 링링미술관에서 개최되는 그룹전 < Phantom Bodies: The Human Aura in Art >에 참여한다. 국제적인 현대 작가들이 참여하는 이번 전시는, 육과 영, 혼의 관계를 주제로 네 개의 섹션 – ‘사물과 부재’, ‘폭력, 공감 그리고 말소’, ‘승화’, ‘심신문제’-으로 구성된다. 아니쉬 카푸어의 ‘Mother as Mountain’ 와 빌 비올라의 ‘Isolde's Ascension (The Shape of Light in the Space After Death)’을 포함한 페인팅, 사진, 비디오, 조각, 설치 등 38 여 작품이 전시된다.
Anish Kapoor and Bill Viola participate in the group exhibition Phantom Bodies: The Human Aura in Art at John and Marble Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, United States, from June 17 to September 11, 2016. Bringing together noteworthy contemporary international artists, the exhibition considers the relationship between mind, body and spirit and is divided into 4 thematically distinct sections – “Objects and Absences,” “Violence, Empathy, and Erasure,” “Sublimation,” and “The Mind-Body Problem.” A selection of 38 works of paintings, photography, videos, sculpture and installations including Anish Kapoor’s Mother as Mountain and Bill Viola’s Isolde's Ascension (The Shape of Light in the Space After Death) are on view.
[Source from ringling website]