정연두, 퀘벡시티에서 개최되는 비엔날레 Manif d’art 8 참여 | KUKJE GALLERY
정연두, 퀘벡시티에서 개최되는 비엔날레 Manif d’art 8 참여

Yeondoo Jung, Bewitched #2, 2001, c-print, courtesy of the artist
참여작가: Yeondoo Jung
전시제목: Manif d’art 8: The Art of Joy
전시기간: 2017년 2월 17일 ㅡ 2017년 5월 14일
전시기관: Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (MNBAQ), Québec, Canada
웹사이트: http://manifdart.org/en/lartiste-coreen-yeondoo-jung
국제갤러리의 정연두는 2월 17일부터 5월 14일까지 캐나다 퀘벡국립미술관 (Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec)에서 개최되는 퀘벡 비엔날레 Biennale de Québec, Manif d’art 8에 참여한다. 제8회 Manif d’art 의 주제인 <The Art of Joy (환희의 예술)>은 행복과 자기발견을 목표로 살아가는 주인공의 삶을 다룬 이탈리아의 작가 골리아르다 사피엔자 (Goliarda Sapienza)의 동명 소설에서 영감을 받았다. 이번 비엔날레에서는 세계 각지에서 초대된 100 여명의 작가들이 ‘환희’ 와 이를 전복시키려는 어두운 이면의 대립을 주제로 설치, 회화, 사진, 영상 등의 매체를 통해 풀어낸 다양한 작업들이 전시된다. 정연두는 지난 2016년 여름 Manif d’art에서 주최한 레지던시 프로그램에 참여해 퀘벡 시민들과 협력해 완성한 사진 작업을 선보일 예정이다.
Yeondoo Jung will participate in Manif d’art 8 (Biennale de Québec), taking place at the National Museum of Fine Arts of Québec, from February 17 to May 14. The 8th edition of Manif d’art centers on the theme, The Art of Joy. The exhibition is inspired by a novel of the same title by the Italian writer Goliarda Sapienza about a heroine who makes happiness and self-discovery her life's mission. Including installations, paintings, photography, and video works by approximately one hundred artists from all over the world, the exhibition explores the tension between joy and its opposite, more subversive side. Yeondoo Jung, who joined the collateral Manif d’art summer artist-in-residence program in the 2016, will showcase an original photography project in collaboration with the people of Québec City during the Biennale.
Yeondoo Jung will participate in Manif d’art 8 (Biennale de Québec), taking place at the National Museum of Fine Arts of Québec, from February 17 to May 14. The 8th edition of Manif d’art centers on the theme, The Art of Joy. The exhibition is inspired by a novel of the same title by the Italian writer Goliarda Sapienza about a heroine who makes happiness and self-discovery her life's mission. Including installations, paintings, photography, and video works by approximately one hundred artists from all over the world, the exhibition explores the tension between joy and its opposite, more subversive side. Yeondoo Jung, who joined the collateral Manif d’art summer artist-in-residence program in the 2016, will showcase an original photography project in collaboration with the people of Québec City during the Biennale.
[Source from Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec and Manif d’art website]