국제갤러리, 2017 제 30회 TEFAF 마스트리히트 참가 | KUKJE GALLERY
국제갤러리, 2017 제 30회 TEFAF 마스트리히트 참가

Kwon Young-Woo (Korean, b. 1926-2013), Untitled, c. 1980s, Gouache, Chinese Ink on Korean paper, 91.5 x 72.5 cm,, Courtesy of the artist’s estate and Kukje Gallery, Image provided by Kukje Gallery
프리뷰: 2017년 3월 9일 (목)
전시기간: 2017년 3월 10일 (금) – 2017년 3월 19일 (일)
전시장소: 네덜란드 마스트리히트 전시의회 센터 (MECC)
부스장소: 국제갤러리/티나 킴 갤러리 Booth 505
웹사이트: https://www.tefaf.com/home
국제갤러리/티나 킴 갤러리는 2017년 3월 10일부터 19일까지 네덜란드 마스트리히트에서 열리는 제 30회 TEFAF (유럽 미술박람회 The European Fine Art Fair)에 참가한다. 1988년을 시작으로 금년 30회째를 맞이한 TEFAF는 근현대미술작품을 폭넓게 선보이는 대표적인 아트페어로 매년 3월 개최되며, 2016년 10월에는 뉴욕에서 첫 에디션을 개최하였으며 올해 5월는 봄 에디션이 열릴 예정이다. TEFAF는 골동품을 선보이는 과 역사적인 거장들의 작품을 선보인 를 전신으로, 1988년 유럽미술재단 (The European Fine Art Foundation)에 의해 통합되어 마스트리히트의 전시의회 센터 (Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre)에서 해마다 개최되고 있다. 올해 섹션에는 국제갤러리/티나 킴 갤러리를 포함하여 전세계 유수의 49개의 갤러리가 참여한다. 국제갤러리/티나 킴 갤러리는 3월 16일부터 국제갤러리에서 개인전을 개최할 예정인 권영우를 비롯하여 박서보, 하종현, 이우환, 정상화 등 단색화 작가들의 작품을 출품한다. 또한 2018년 국제갤러리 개인전 개최 예정인 로니 혼의 작품과, 아니쉬 카푸어, 장미셸 오토니엘, 알렉산더 칼더 등 세계적인 거장의 대표 작품들도 소개된다.
Kukje Gallery/Tina Kim Gallery will participate in the thirtieth iteration of TEFAF (The European Fine Art Fair) in Maastricht, The Netherlands from March 10 to 19, 2017. Occurring every March since 1988, TEFAF Maastricht celebrates thirty years of excellence in showcasing a wide variety of modern and contemporary art. In October, 2016, the fair had ventured into New York, and the spring edition of TEFAF New York will be held in May. TEFAF was initiated by The European Fine Art Foundation and has been held in the Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre (MECC) since 1988. The fair is the offspring of Antiquirs International, an antiques fair, and Pictura Fine Art Fair, a fine art fair that featured works by art historical virtuosos. The Main Galleries section will feature 49 exhibitors including Kukje Gallery/Tina Kim Gallery. Kukje Gallery/Tina Kim Gallery will exhibit works by Dansaekhwa artists including Kwon Young-Woo, Park Seo-bo, Ha Chong-Hyun, Lee Ufan and Chung Sang-Hwa, as well as those by internationally renowned artists such as Anish Kapoor, Jean-Michel Othoniel, Alexander Calder, and Roni Horn. Works by Kwon will be exhibited at Kukje Gallery from March 16, and Horn will hold a solo exhibition at Kukje Gallery in 2018.
Kukje Gallery/Tina Kim Gallery will participate in the thirtieth iteration of TEFAF (The European Fine Art Fair) in Maastricht, The Netherlands from March 10 to 19, 2017. Occurring every March since 1988, TEFAF Maastricht celebrates thirty years of excellence in showcasing a wide variety of modern and contemporary art. In October, 2016, the fair had ventured into New York, and the spring edition of TEFAF New York will be held in May. TEFAF was initiated by The European Fine Art Foundation and has been held in the Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre (MECC) since 1988. The fair is the offspring of Antiquirs International, an antiques fair, and Pictura Fine Art Fair, a fine art fair that featured works by art historical virtuosos. The Main Galleries section will feature 49 exhibitors including Kukje Gallery/Tina Kim Gallery. Kukje Gallery/Tina Kim Gallery will exhibit works by Dansaekhwa artists including Kwon Young-Woo, Park Seo-bo, Ha Chong-Hyun, Lee Ufan and Chung Sang-Hwa, as well as those by internationally renowned artists such as Anish Kapoor, Jean-Michel Othoniel, Alexander Calder, and Roni Horn. Works by Kwon will be exhibited at Kukje Gallery from March 16, and Horn will hold a solo exhibition at Kukje Gallery in 2018.