국제갤러리, 제 35회 2017 화랑미술제 참가 | KUKJE GALLERY
국제갤러리, 제 35회 2017 화랑미술제 참가

Yeondoo Jung, Location #29, 2010, C-print, 122 x 159 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery, Image provided by Kukje Gallery
프리뷰: 2017년 3월 9일 (목)
전시기간: 2017년 3월 10일 (금) – 2017년 3월 12일 (일)
전시장소: 코엑스 3층, C홀
부스장소: 국제갤러리 Booth K43
웹사이트: http://www.artkorea.info/
국제갤러리는 3월 10일부터 12일까지 한국화랑협회 주최로 서울 코엑스에서 열리는 2017년 제 35회 화랑미술제에 참가한다. 올해에는 94개의 갤러리가 참가하며, 국제갤러리는 국내외에서 활발하게 활동을 펼치고 있는 김홍석, 박미나, 정연두의 작품을 선보일 예정이다. 국제갤러리에서 2008년과 2014년에 개인전을 개최한 김홍석은 영화, 비디오, 조각, 회화, 퍼포먼스, 그리고 설치작업을 아우르는 전방위적인 활동을 펼치며, 이번 화랑미술제에는 <Bearlike Construction>을 비롯한 조각 위주의 작업들을 선보일 예정이다. 현재 수원시립아이파크미술관에서 다양한 원색의 필름 스티커를 창문에 부착한 <Primary BGRY>(2017)라는 작품을 선보이고 있는 박미나 작가는 아크릴이나 유화를 사용한 회화 작품들을 소개하며, 정연두는 이번 화랑미술제에 현실과 비현실 사이의 경계에 존재하는 심상의 풍경을 표현하는 <로케이션>(2005) 연작을 선보일 예정이다.
Kukje Gallery will participate in the 35th iteration of Korea Galleries Art Fair 2017, which will take place from March 10 to 12, 2017, at COEX, Seoul. Korea Galleries Art Fair takes place March of each year, and Kukje Gallery is one of the ninety-four galleries to participate this year. Kukje Gallery will showcase works by Gimhongsok, MeeNa Park, and Yeondoo Jung, who are active in Korea and abroad. Gimhongsok, who works across media including film, video, sculpture, painting, performance, and installations, will exhibit many of his sculpture works, such as the Bearlike Construction series. The artist held two solo exhibitions at Kukje Gallery in 2008 and 2014. MeeNa Park, who is currently exhibiting Primary BGRY (2017), an installation consisting of film stickers of various primary colors on the windows of the Suwon iPark Museum of Art, will showcase her acrylic and oil paintings at the Kukje Gallery booth. Selected pieces from Yeondoo Jung’s Location (2005 – ) series, which recreates dreamlike landscapes that hover between reality and fantasy, will also be on display.
Kukje Gallery will participate in the 35th iteration of Korea Galleries Art Fair 2017, which will take place from March 10 to 12, 2017, at COEX, Seoul. Korea Galleries Art Fair takes place March of each year, and Kukje Gallery is one of the ninety-four galleries to participate this year. Kukje Gallery will showcase works by Gimhongsok, MeeNa Park, and Yeondoo Jung, who are active in Korea and abroad. Gimhongsok, who works across media including film, video, sculpture, painting, performance, and installations, will exhibit many of his sculpture works, such as the Bearlike Construction series. The artist held two solo exhibitions at Kukje Gallery in 2008 and 2014. MeeNa Park, who is currently exhibiting Primary BGRY (2017), an installation consisting of film stickers of various primary colors on the windows of the Suwon iPark Museum of Art, will showcase her acrylic and oil paintings at the Kukje Gallery booth. Selected pieces from Yeondoo Jung’s Location (2005 – ) series, which recreates dreamlike landscapes that hover between reality and fantasy, will also be on display.