구본창, 뉴욕에서 개최되는 Asia Week New York 참여 | KUKJE GALLERY
구본창, 뉴욕에서 개최되는 Asia Week New York 참여

Koo Bohnchang. BM 04. 2006. 63 x 50 cm. Courtesy of HK Art & Antiques LLC.
참여작가: Koo Bohnchang
전시제목: Asia Week New York – Nature, Rocks, Flowers, Water and Clay
전시기간: 2017년 3월 9일 ㅡ 2017년 3월 18일
전시기관: HK Art & Antiques LLC, Jason Jacques Gallery
웹사이트: http://www.asiaweekny.com/dealers/hk-art-antiques-llc
국제갤러리의 구본창은 3월 9일부터 3월 18일까지 뉴욕에서 개최하는 아시아 위크 뉴욕 (Asia Week New York) 에 참여한다. 뉴욕에서 열리는 가장 큰 규모의 아시아 문화 이벤트인 ‘아시아 위크 뉴욕 (Asia Week New York)은 지난 2009년에 아시아 미술을 기념하고 알리기 위한 목적으로 시작되었다. 매년 3월에 개최해 약 열흘 동안 진행되는 본 행사에서는 뉴욕을 기반으로 활동하는 미술관, 갤러리, 옥션 등 예술기관들이 참여해 아시아 고미술에서 현대미술에 이르는 다양한 작품들을 선보이는 전시들을 소개한다. 국제갤러리의 구본창은 올해 설립된 아트 컨설팅 회사 HK Art & Antiques LLC에서 개최하는 그룹전 <자연, 바위, 꽃, 물 그리고 흙 (Nature, Rocks, Flowers, Water and Clay)>에 참여해 <백자> 연작의 일환인 <BM 004>(2006)를 선보인다. 구본창의 대표작인 <백자> 시리즈는 10여 년에 걸쳐 작가가 전 세계의 백자 컬렉션을 찾아 다니며 촬영한 작품으로, 인물 사진을 촬영하듯 접근해 기록하면서 한국적 미의 정수인 ‘비움의 미학’ 과 ‘과거에 대한 기억과 상처’, ’세월의 흔적’ 등을 작가 특유의 섬세한 감수성으로 표현하였다.
Koo Bohnchang will participate in Asia Week New York from March 9 to March 18. Taking place in various locations across the city, Asia Week New York is New York’s largest Asian cultural event that was established in 2009 to introduce the importance of Asian arts. This annual event showcases New York-based museums, galleries, and auction houses that introduce a wide variety of exhibitions on ancient to contemporary Asian art. Koo will participate in Nature, Rocks, Flowers, Water, and Clay, a group exhibition organized by HK Art & Antiques LLC, an art consulting firm established this year. Koo will present BM 004 (2006), a picture part of his famed Vessel series, which spans over ten years of photography. The artist travelled to take pictures of white porcelain vessels of the Korean Joseon Dynasty housed in collections all over the world. These pictures of vessels, recorded from close up in a fashion similar to that of portraiture, deal with the theme “beauty of simplicity,” which is the essence of the Korean traditional aesthetic. This series also deals with other themes and subjects such as “wounds from memories of the past,” and “traces of the passage of time,” speaking the artist’s unique delicate sensitivity.
Koo Bohnchang will participate in Asia Week New York from March 9 to March 18. Taking place in various locations across the city, Asia Week New York is New York’s largest Asian cultural event that was established in 2009 to introduce the importance of Asian arts. This annual event showcases New York-based museums, galleries, and auction houses that introduce a wide variety of exhibitions on ancient to contemporary Asian art. Koo will participate in Nature, Rocks, Flowers, Water, and Clay, a group exhibition organized by HK Art & Antiques LLC, an art consulting firm established this year. Koo will present BM 004 (2006), a picture part of his famed Vessel series, which spans over ten years of photography. The artist travelled to take pictures of white porcelain vessels of the Korean Joseon Dynasty housed in collections all over the world. These pictures of vessels, recorded from close up in a fashion similar to that of portraiture, deal with the theme “beauty of simplicity,” which is the essence of the Korean traditional aesthetic. This series also deals with other themes and subjects such as “wounds from memories of the past,” and “traces of the passage of time,” speaking the artist’s unique delicate sensitivity.
[Source from the Asia Week New York website]