김수자, <Asia Art Awards Hong Kong> 수상, 아트바젤 홍콩 기간 중 Asia Society 토크 참여 | KUKJE GALLERY
김수자, <Asia Art Awards Hong Kong> 수상, 아트바젤 홍콩 기간 중 Asia Society 토크 참여
Kukje Gallery/Tina Kim Gallery, Kimsooja, Deductive Object (2016), Encounters Booth 1E02 installation view, Art Basel | Hong Kong 2017. Photo by Jason Bonello. Image provided by Kukje Gallery
수상작가: Kimsooja
수상내용: Asia Art Awards Hong Kong
토크제목: The Dimensions of a Needle: a Conversation with Kimsooja
행사일정: 2017년 3월 24일 금요일 오후 3시 30분 – 4시 30분
행사장소: Central Harbourfront Event Space, 아트 센트럴 오디토리움, 홍콩
웹사이트: http://asiasociety.org/hong-kong/events/2017-asia-arts-awards-hong-kong
국제갤러리의 김수자 (b.1957)는 2017년 3월 24일 아트 센트럴 (Art Central) 아트페어 오디토리움에서 개최되는 아티스트 토크 프로그램 <The Dimensions of a Needle: a Conversation with Kimsooja>에 참여한다. 홍콩의 비영리 재단인 Asia Society은 아시아 내 현대미술 현장에서 중요한 역할을 하는 작가들과 미술계 전문가들을 위해 아트 바젤 홍콩 기간 동안 특별한 갈라 행사인 <Asia Art Awards Hong Kong>을 개최하며, 김수자는 올해 Asia Arts Awards 수상자 네 명 중 한 명으로 선정되었다. 아티스트 토크는 아트 센트럴과 아시아 소사이어티의 협력으로 마련된 <TALKS x ASIA SOCEITY> 프로그램의 일환으로 진행되며, 김수자는 신체와 기하학에 대한 연구를 기반으로 빛이라는 소재를 능숙하게 다루어 온 작가의 작품세계와 작업에 대한 맥락을 소개할 예정이다. 모더레이터로는 호주 MAAP(Media Art Asia Pacific)의 디렉터 김 메이챈 (Kim Machan)이 참가한다.
Kimsooja will participate in a lecture as part of TALKS x ASIA SOCIETY at Asia Society Hong Kong. Titled The Dimensions of a Needle: a Conversation with Kimsooja, the program will be held on March 24, 2017 at the Art Central art fair auditorium. The talks are a collaboration between Art Central and the Asia Society, a Hong Kong-based non-profit organization, and are led by recipients of the Asia Art Awards Hong Kong. Also organized by Asia Society, Asia Art Awards Hong Kong is a gala event held during Art Basel Hong Kong to honor contemporary Asian artists who have achieved excellence and international renown. The gala brings together arts professionals from all over the world. Kimsooja is one of four honored recipients of the 2017 Asia Art Awards. The artist masterfully explores the science of light through her longstanding exploration of the human body and geometry; the lecture is an excellent opportunity to understand the context for the scope of her ambitious practice. The talk will be moderated by Kim Machan, Director of Media Art Asia Pacific, a non-profit arts organization in Australia.
Kimsooja will participate in a lecture as part of TALKS x ASIA SOCIETY at Asia Society Hong Kong. Titled The Dimensions of a Needle: a Conversation with Kimsooja, the program will be held on March 24, 2017 at the Art Central art fair auditorium. The talks are a collaboration between Art Central and the Asia Society, a Hong Kong-based non-profit organization, and are led by recipients of the Asia Art Awards Hong Kong. Also organized by Asia Society, Asia Art Awards Hong Kong is a gala event held during Art Basel Hong Kong to honor contemporary Asian artists who have achieved excellence and international renown. The gala brings together arts professionals from all over the world. Kimsooja is one of four honored recipients of the 2017 Asia Art Awards. The artist masterfully explores the science of light through her longstanding exploration of the human body and geometry; the lecture is an excellent opportunity to understand the context for the scope of her ambitious practice. The talk will be moderated by Kim Machan, Director of Media Art Asia Pacific, a non-profit arts organization in Australia.
[Source from Art Central, Asia Society websites]