Bill Viola, Palazzo Strozzi에서 개인전 <Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance> 개최 | KUKJE GALLERY
Bill Viola, Palazzo Strozzi에서 개인전 <Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance> 개최

Installation of Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance at Palazzo Strozzi. Photo by: Alessandro Moggi
참여작가: Bill Viola
전시제목: Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance
전시기간: 2017년 3월 10일 ㅡ 2017년 7월 23일
전시기관: Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy
국제갤러리의 빌 비올라는 2017년 3월 10일부터 7월 23일까지 이탈리아 피렌체에 위치한 스트로치궁 (Palazzo Strozzi)에서 개인전 을 개최한다. 스트로치궁과 빌 비올라 스튜디오의 협업으로 성사된 이번 전시에서는 빌 비올라의 1970년대 초 실험적인 작업에서부터 21세기에 제작된 대규모 설치작업에 이르는 작품들을 총망라해 선보인다. 본 전시가 열리는 피렌체는 빌 비올라가 1974년부터 1976까지 기술 감독으로 활동했던 비디오 아트 스튜디오 art/tapes/22가 위치해 있는 도시로, 작가의 영상 작업의 시초가 되었던 뜻 깊은 인연이 있는 곳이다. 이번 전시에는 빌 비올라의 작업과 르네상스 거장들의 작품들이 함께 전시될 예정으로, 빌 비올라의 작품 세계와 이탈리아 토스카나 지역의 역사와 미술과의 관계를 조명해 볼 수 있는 기회가 될 것이다.
Bill Viola is featured in a solo exhibition titled Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, Italy from March 10 to July 23, 2017. Organized by the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi in collaboration with Bill VIola Studio, this exhibition will track the career of the artist from his early experimental work in the 1970s to his monumental installations of the 21st century. Florence, the location of this exhibition, is where the artist's career in video art began when he was the Technical Director of art/tapes/22, a video production center, from 1974 to 1976. Viola's artistic bond with Tuscan history and art is further highlighted in the exhibition. Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance orchestrates a unique conversation between Viola's installations and works of the Renaissance masters that are exhibited in tandem.
[Source from the Palazzo Strozzi website]
Bill Viola is featured in a solo exhibition titled Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, Italy from March 10 to July 23, 2017. Organized by the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi in collaboration with Bill VIola Studio, this exhibition will track the career of the artist from his early experimental work in the 1970s to his monumental installations of the 21st century. Florence, the location of this exhibition, is where the artist's career in video art began when he was the Technical Director of art/tapes/22, a video production center, from 1974 to 1976. Viola's artistic bond with Tuscan history and art is further highlighted in the exhibition. Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance orchestrates a unique conversation between Viola's installations and works of the Renaissance masters that are exhibited in tandem.
[Source from the Palazzo Strozzi website]