빌 비올라, 스페인 Guggenheim Bilbao Museum에서 개인전 개최 | KUKJE GALLERY
빌 비올라, 스페인 Guggenheim Bilbao Museum에서 개인전 개최

Slowly Turning Narrative, 1992, video/sound installation. Projected image size: 2.75 x 3.65m. Room dimensions: 4.3 x 6.1 x 12.5m. Continuously running. Courtesy of the artist's studio and Guggenheim Bilbao Museum.
참여작가: 빌 비올라
전시제목: Bill Viola: A Retrospective
전시기간: 2017년 6월 30일 – 2017년 11월 9일
전시기관: Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, Spain
웹사이트: https://www.guggenheim-bilbao.eus/en/exhibitions/bill-viola-a-retrospective/
국제갤러리의 빌 비올라는 2017년 6월 30일부터 11월 9일까지 스페인 빌바오에 위치한 구겐하임 미술관에서 <Bill Viola: A Retrospective>전을 개최한다. 본 전시는 빌 비올라의 작품활동을 주제와 시대별로 나누어 탐구하는 회고전 격의 전시로, <The Reflecting Pool>(1977-1979)을 포함한 작가의 대표적인 초기 싱글 채널 비디오작품부터 최근작에 이르는 다양한 작품들을 함께 선보인다. 시적 정취를 자아내는 초기작업에서 빌 비올라는 시간에 대한 관념과 이에 대한 해체, 인간의 존재에 관한 탐구, 주변과 자연적 소리를 녹음하고 조작하는 등의 실험을 포함, 그의 작업에 있어 가장 중요한 주제들을 표현해왔다. 1980년대부터 시작해 90년대에 이르기까지 줄곧 물리적 속성에 집중해온 빌 비올라는 <Heaven and Earth>(1992)와 <Slowly Turning Narrative>(1992) 등의 작업에서 조형적 사물을 통해 지각과 정신성을 탐구하였다. 이러한 작품세계의 연장선으로 지난 십 년간 빌 비올라는 여러 가지의 미디어와 형식을 통해 인생의 근본적인 경험을 그려내 왔다.
Bill Viola is featured in a solo exhibition titled Bill Viola: A Retrospective at the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, Spain, from June 30 to November 9, 2017. This exhibition is a thematic and chronological survey of the artist's career that begins with his early single-channel videotapes, including such iconic works as The Reflecting Pool (1977–1979). These highly poetic creations address some of the most important themes in Viola's output: the notion of time and its deconstruction, investigations into human existence, and experimentation with the recordings and manipulation of ambient and natural sounds. In the 1980s he began adding physical elements which he continued during the 1990s, his studies of perception and spiritual issues materializing in the form of sculptural objects, as can be seen in Heaven and Earth (1992), and large works such as Slowly Turning Narrative (1992). Over the last decade, through a wide variety of media and formats, Viola has continued in his work to depict the fundamental experience of life.
[Source from the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum website]
Bill Viola is featured in a solo exhibition titled Bill Viola: A Retrospective at the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, Spain, from June 30 to November 9, 2017. This exhibition is a thematic and chronological survey of the artist's career that begins with his early single-channel videotapes, including such iconic works as The Reflecting Pool (1977–1979). These highly poetic creations address some of the most important themes in Viola's output: the notion of time and its deconstruction, investigations into human existence, and experimentation with the recordings and manipulation of ambient and natural sounds. In the 1980s he began adding physical elements which he continued during the 1990s, his studies of perception and spiritual issues materializing in the form of sculptural objects, as can be seen in Heaven and Earth (1992), and large works such as Slowly Turning Narrative (1992). Over the last decade, through a wide variety of media and formats, Viola has continued in his work to depict the fundamental experience of life.
[Source from the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum website]