홍승혜, 2017 강정 대구현대미술제 참여 | KUKJE GALLERY
홍승혜, 2017 강정 대구현대미술제 참여

참여작가: 홍승혜
전시제목: 2017 강정 대구현대미술제: 강정, 미래의 기록 (A Statement of Continuous Journey)
전시기간: 2017년 7월 15일 – 2017년 8월 31일
전시기관: 낙동강 강정보 디아크 광장
웹사이트: http://www.gangjeongart.com/main.php
국제갤러리의 홍승혜는 2017년 7월 15일부터 8월 31일까지 낙동강 강정보 디아크 광장에서 개최하는 2017 강정 대구현대미술제 <강정, 미래의 기록>에 참여한다. 올해로 6회를 맞은 강정대구현대미술제는 1970년대 젊은 작가들이 기성미술계의 경직성에 도전하며 다양한 미술실험을 펼쳤던 ‘대구현대미술제’의 정신을 계승하여 강정보 일원에서 열리는 현대미술축제이다. 올해는 안미희 예술감독의 지휘 아래 현대미술의 동시대성을 보여주는 국내외 총 24명의 작가들이 참여해 대형 모니터를 이용한 영상작품, AR(증강현실) 기술을 접목한 작품, 관객 참여 프로젝트 등 다양한 장르의 작품을 선보인다. 이번 전시에서 홍승혜는 올해 처음으로 선보이는 대형 설치작업 <해피투 미트유(Happy to Meet you)>를 전시할 예정이다.
Hong Seung-Hye will participate in Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival held at The ARC square in Gangjeongbo, Nakdong River, Daegu from July 15 to August 31, 2017. Inspired by the mission of the former Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in which young artists of the 1970s challenged the rigidity of the art scene then through various art experiments, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival is an annual event held in the Gangjeongbo area. Under the artistic direction of the former Gwangju Biennale curator Mihee Ahn, the sixth installment of the festival, titled A Statement of Continuous Journey, will feature a total of 24 artists from both Korea and abroad. Works of various genres, including video works screened on large monitors, works combining AR (Augmented Reality) technology, along with works that invite viewer participation will be on exhibit. The installation will include Hong Seung-Hye’s large-scale installation piece Happy to Meet You, which will be showcased for the first time this year.
Hong Seung-Hye will participate in Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival held at The ARC square in Gangjeongbo, Nakdong River, Daegu from July 15 to August 31, 2017. Inspired by the mission of the former Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in which young artists of the 1970s challenged the rigidity of the art scene then through various art experiments, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival is an annual event held in the Gangjeongbo area. Under the artistic direction of the former Gwangju Biennale curator Mihee Ahn, the sixth installment of the festival, titled A Statement of Continuous Journey, will feature a total of 24 artists from both Korea and abroad. Works of various genres, including video works screened on large monitors, works combining AR (Augmented Reality) technology, along with works that invite viewer participation will be on exhibit. The installation will include Hong Seung-Hye’s large-scale installation piece Happy to Meet You, which will be showcased for the first time this year.
[Source from the Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival website]