빌 비올라, 영국 왕립 미술 아카데미의 명예 왕립 미술 아카데미 회원 임명 | KUKJE GALLERY
빌 비올라, 영국 왕립 미술 아카데미의 명예 왕립 미술 아카데미 회원 임명

Bill Viola. Still from Ascension (2000)
작가명: Bill Viola
임명기관: Royal Academy of Arts, London, United Kingdom
웹사이트: https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/artist/bill-viola-hon-ra
국제갤러리의 빌 비올라는 영국 런던에 위치한 왕립 미술 아카데미의 명예 회원으로 임명되었다. 왕립 미술 아카데미는 영국 국적이 아니지만 미술사적으로 매우 중요한 작가에게 명예 미술 아카데미 회원 자격을 부여하고 있다. 활발하게 활동하고 있는 총 80명의 미술 아카데미 회원들은 매년 최대 두 명의 새로운 회원들을 투표를 통해 선정하며, 아니쉬 카푸어와 트레이시 에민이 선정된 바 있다. 올해 빌 비올라는 키키 스미스와 함께 선정되었다. 빌 비올라는 지난 40년간 인문주의적이고 정신적, 종교적인 주제들을 다루는 영상설치, 음향환경, 전자음악 퍼포먼스와 평면 영상 작업 등을 제작해왔으며 TV, 콘서트, 오페라, 그리고 성당과 같은 종교적 공간에 작품을 설치해왔다. 2017년에는 플로렌스의 스트로치 궁전, 함부르크의 Deichtorhallen, 그리고 빌바오의 구겐하임 미술관 등 저명한 기관에서 수 차례 회고전을 개최하였다.
Bill Viola has been made an Honorary Royal Academician of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, United Kingdom. The title of Honorary Academician goes to distinguished artists who do not reside in the UK. The 80 full Academicians, all of whom are practicing artists, vote for up to two honorary members each year—previous members include other renowned artists such as Anish Kapoor and Tracey Emin. Viola is selected this year alongside Kiki Smith. For over 40 years Viola has been making work that explores a series of humanistic and spiritual issues. His works include room-size video installations, sound environments, electronic music performances and flat panel video pieces, as well as works for television broadcast, concerts, opera, and sacred spaces. In 2017 alone he was the subject of several major museum retrospectives including Palazzo Strozzi, Florence; The Diechtorhallen, Hamburg; and Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
Bill Viola has been made an Honorary Royal Academician of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, United Kingdom. The title of Honorary Academician goes to distinguished artists who do not reside in the UK. The 80 full Academicians, all of whom are practicing artists, vote for up to two honorary members each year—previous members include other renowned artists such as Anish Kapoor and Tracey Emin. Viola is selected this year alongside Kiki Smith. For over 40 years Viola has been making work that explores a series of humanistic and spiritual issues. His works include room-size video installations, sound environments, electronic music performances and flat panel video pieces, as well as works for television broadcast, concerts, opera, and sacred spaces. In 2017 alone he was the subject of several major museum retrospectives including Palazzo Strozzi, Florence; The Diechtorhallen, Hamburg; and Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
[Source from the Royal Academy of Art website]