김수자, 리히텐슈타인미술관에서 개인전 개최 | KUKJE GALLERY
김수자, 리히텐슈타인미술관에서 개인전 개최
Kimsooja, Thread Routes - Chapter IV, 2014 (film still), courtesy of Kimsooja Studio
전시작가: 김수자
전시제목: Kimsooja. Weaving the World
전시기간: 2017년 9월 22일 – 2018년 1월 21일
전시기관: Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
웹사이트: https://www.kunstmuseum.li/
2017년 9월 22일부터 2018년 1월 21일까지 유럽의 중부 내륙에 위치한 공국인 리히텐슈타인에 위치한 리히텐슈타인 미술관에서 김수자의 대규모 개인전 《Kimsooja. Weaving the World》가 개최된다. 전시제목인 <Weaving the World>는 제목 그대로 ‘세상을 엮는다’는 의미로, 1999년부터 2014년까지의 공연, 설치 작품, 조각, 비디오 및 사진 작품을 통하여 단편적인 관찰을 결합하여 다양한 장소와 사람들의 만남을 형성한다. 시간과 일시성, 그리고 비유적으로 얽힌 개인의 경험, 문화적 배경, 역사적 문헌들은 이 전시의 중요한 역할을 한다. 이번에 전시되는 영상설치 작업 <Thread Routes> 시리즈와 <A Needle Woman (1999-2001)>은 현재와 과거 서로 합쳐지는, 즉 다른 문화와 견해를 함께 가져오려는 김수자의 작품성을 대표적으로 보여준다.
Kimsooja is featured in an extensive solo exhibition titled Kimsooja. Weaving the World from September 22 to January 21, 2018, at the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein in the Principality of Liechtenstein, a landlocked microstate in Central Europe. As the title suggests, this exhibition is a metaphor for the figurative act of “weaving the world,” as presented through the artist’s performances, installations, sculptures, videos, and photography from 1999 to 2014. Kimsooja unites various fragmentary observations to form chance encounters between places and people. Temporality and the metaphorical complexity of individual experiences, cultural backgrounds, and historical references create the foundation of this solo exhibition. Kimsooja’s video installations Thread Routes series and A Needle Woman (1999-2001) are representative works at the forefront of the artist’s practice, characterized by the merging of the past and present, and the unification of diverging cultures and perspectives.
Kimsooja is featured in an extensive solo exhibition titled Kimsooja. Weaving the World from September 22 to January 21, 2018, at the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein in the Principality of Liechtenstein, a landlocked microstate in Central Europe. As the title suggests, this exhibition is a metaphor for the figurative act of “weaving the world,” as presented through the artist’s performances, installations, sculptures, videos, and photography from 1999 to 2014. Kimsooja unites various fragmentary observations to form chance encounters between places and people. Temporality and the metaphorical complexity of individual experiences, cultural backgrounds, and historical references create the foundation of this solo exhibition. Kimsooja’s video installations Thread Routes series and A Needle Woman (1999-2001) are representative works at the forefront of the artist’s practice, characterized by the merging of the past and present, and the unification of diverging cultures and perspectives.
[Source from Kunstmuseum Lichtenstein press release]