국제갤러리 이현숙 회장, 3 연속 Art Review <2017 Power 100> 선정

기사제목: 2017 Power 100
기사날짜: 2017년 11월 3일
매체이름: Art Review
웹사이트: https://artreview.com/power_100/hyun-sook_lee/

국제갤러리 이현숙 회장은 영국의 현대미술지 ‘아트리뷰(Art Review)’가 선정하는 <2017 Power 100>에 3년 연속 이름을 올렸다. 이현숙 회장은 2015년 82위로 처음 선정되었으며 2016년에는 유일한 한국인이자 전년대비 5순위 상승한 77위를 기록한 바 있다. 아트리뷰는 올해 79위에 오른 이현숙 회장에 대해 “14개의 아트페어에 참가하고 양혜규의 2018년 볼프강 한 미술상 수상자 선정, 박찬경의 아트 바젤 언리미티드 참가를 비롯한 국내외 기라성 같은 작가들의 성공적인 활동과, 꾸준한 단색화의 소개를 통해 세계 미술계의 관심을 지속적으로 받은 점, 그리고 동서양의 젊은 작가들의 작품을 통해 자연과 근대화를 성찰한 《Gridded Currents》전 (김현진 기획) 등 흥미로운 전시들을 개최”한 것을 선정 이유로 밝혔다.

Hyun-sook Lee, founder and chairman of Kukje Gallery, has appeared on the 2017 Power 100, an annual list of the most influential figures of the art world as selected by the British arts magazine, ArtReview. This is the third consecutive year that Lee has been selected. She was ranked at 82 in 2015, then at 77 in the subsequent year. Regarding Hyun-sook Lee, who is ranked at 79 this year, ArtReview has stated: “Lee’s Kukje Gallery has long operated well beyond the limits of its Seoul HQ. This year that meant 14 art fairs in addition to the activities of the stellar range of artists – both international and Korean – the gallery represents. Haegue Yang picked up the Wolfgang Hahn Prize, Park Chan-kyong had his first show in Korea for five years, concurrent with a presentation of his increasingly influential three-channel video Citizen’s Forest (2016) at Art Basel Unlimited; artists from the Dansaekhwa movement, most of whom the gallery represents, continued to garner international attention (Chung Chang-Sup, for one, was everywhere); and the gallery’s ever-curious nature was demonstrated by a summer group show, Gridded Currents, which followed the relationship between water and modernity through the work of an intriguing range of younger artists from East and West, among them Runo Lagomarsino, Nina Canell, Charles Lim and Ayoung Kim. Oh yes, and Kukje rounded off the year with a show by Paul McCarthy.”

[Source from ArtReview website]