양혜규, Art Review <2017 Power 100>에 올해 첫 선정 | KUKJE GALLERY
양혜규, Art Review <2017 Power 100>에 올해 첫 선정

Haegue Yang profile Image, Courtesy of the artist and Kukje gallery, Image provided by Kukje Gallery
기사제목: 2017 Power 100
기사날짜: 2017년 11월 3일
매체이름: Art Review
웹사이트: https://artreview.com/power_100/haegue_yang/
국제갤러리의 양혜규가 85위를 기록하며 처음으로 에 포함되었다. 아트리뷰는 양혜규에 대해 “올해 말뫼, 브레멘, 본, 홍콩 등 다양한 도시의 그룹전과 비엔날레에서 공업적, 지역적, 민속적인 재료들을 가지고 조합한 감각적이고 개념적인 작품들을 선보였다”며, 슈테델슐레 교수에 임명되고 멕시코시티와 베를린, 그라츠에서 개인전을 성공적으로 개최한 점과, 내년에도 쾰른 루트비히 미술관 개인전, 리버풀 비엔날레, 시드니 비엔날레 참여 등 활발한 활동을 앞두고 있는 점을 주요하게 평가하였다.
Haegue Yang has been named one of the "most influential people in the contemporary artworld" by the international contemporary art magazine ArtReview, ranking at 85 for her first time on the list. Regarding Yang, ArtReview has stated: “In 2017 audiences in Bremen, Bolzano, Bonn, Göteborg, Lund, Malmö, Leverkusen, Paris, Gwacheon, Hong Kong, New York, Belluno, London and Newport Beach got to see Yang’s sensorial and conceptual assemblages of industrial, domestic and folk materials in various group exhibitions and biennials. She had solo exhibitions at Kurimanzutto, Mexico City (her first with the gallery), KINDL Berlin and Kunsthaus Graz (for whom she recreated her 2001 work VIP’s Union, asking luminaries from the Styrian capital to lend the institution a table or chair from their home or office, which she then arranged throughout the exhibition space). Next year there is a solo show at Cologne’s Museum Ludwig, the fruit of the Wolfgang Hahn Prize, which Yang won in September, and spots in the Liverpool Biennial and the Biennale of Sydney. With all this work in circulation, and her new professorship at the Städelschule, expect to see Yang-shaped ripples in the practice of younger artists.”
[Source from ArtReview Website]