Hein-kunn Oh, Kyungah Ham, Park Chan-kyong, and Yeondoo Jung Participate in Group Exhibition The Real DMZ: Artistic encounters through Korea’s demilitarized zone at New Art Exchange, Nottingham, UK | KUKJE GALLERY
Hein-kunn Oh, Kyungah Ham, Park Chan-kyong, and Yeondoo Jung Participate in Group Exhibition The Real DMZ: Artistic encounters through Korea’s demilitarized zone at New Art Exchange, Nottingham, UK

Hein-kuhn Oh, A corporal on red clay, May 2010, 110 x 147 cm, digital c-print.
Artists: Yeondoo Jung (정연두), Park Chan-kyong (박찬경), Kyungah Ham (함경아), Hein-kuhn Oh (오형근)
Exhibition Title: The Real DMZ: Artistic encounters through Korea’s demilitarized zone
Exhibition Dates: Jan 27 – Apr 15, 2018
Exhibition Venue: New Art Exchange, Main Gallery & Mezzanine Gallery, Nottingham, UK
Website: www.nae.org.uk/exhibition/the-real-dmz/132
Yeondoo Jung, Park Chan-kyong, Kyungah Ham, and Hein-kuhn Oh are featured in a group exhibition titled The Real DMZ: Artistic encounters through Korea’s demilitarized zone at New Art Exchange in Nottingham, England. The Real DMZ Project is a contemporary art project based on research conducted on the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) in South Korea and its border area. As part of Korea/UK 2017-18, a celebration of British and Korean art and culture, the exhibition invites eight South Korean artists who address the reality of the division of the Korean peninsula—the persisting violence, tension and various perceptions of North Korea. The installation includes new work by Yeondoo Jung, along with embroidery pieces by Kyungah Ham that question the representations of North Korea that permeate the mainstream media and provide new, inventive possibilities of imagining the North. Also part of the show are Hein-kuhn Oh's photographs that portray conflicting moments of violence, anxiety, and absurdity, and Park Chan-kyong's new video work that reveals the vulnerable, humanistic sides of North Korea through ordinary and tender moments of childhood.
정연두, 박찬경, 함경아, 오형근, 영국 NEW ART EXCHANGE에서 《The Real DMZ: Artistic encounters through Korea’s demilitarized zone》 참가
정연두, 박찬경, 함경아, 오형근은 영국 노팅엄의 New Art Exchange에서 열리는 《The Real DMZ: Artistic encounters through Korea’s demilitarized zone》에 참가한다. The Real DMZ 프로젝트는 한반도의 비무장지대 DMZ와 그 접경지역에 관한 연구를 바탕으로 진행하는 동시대 미술 프로젝트로, 2017–18 한영 상호교류의 해를 맞이하여 영국 노팅엄의 New Art Exchange에서 8명의 한국 작가들은 분단과 긴장을 포함한 북한에 대한 여러 인식들을 다루는 작품들을 선보인다. 정연두의 신작과 함께 함경아는 매체에서 은연중에 다뤄지는 북한에 대한 이미지에 의문을 제기하며 새로운 인식을 전달하는 작품을 출품한다. 오형근은 사진작업으로 폭력의 대립상황을 포착하고, 박찬경은 순하고 어린 북한의 소년병의 모습으로 북한의 인간적인 모습을 그려낸 신작 영상작품을 선보인다.
[Source from New Art Exchange press release]